NT Reading Resources
reading resources for the interested
NT reading resources
Ethical Adventures has compiled a list of resources which we have found to be useful in trying to learn and understand the way things work. Some of these pertain to the Top End and some further afield. Regardless they all contribute something to our knowledge base which we utilize on our tours from Darwin.
In sharing this resources ethical adventures hopes that it can act as a starting point for any who are visiting the NT or would like to begin the journey or in fact are already on the journey for knowledge and understanding. We ask that you in turn let us know of any other material that we ourselves could benefit from and should include in our little list.
To make it a bit easy to navigate the reading resources just have a look at the categories below and then click away.
FYI We also have prepared our own reviews for things such as NT Wildlife and NT Plants.
Have fun and give us some feedback.
guide book
Books written specifically to help guides / people teach others.
General history information. Not specific to the NT.
top end general
History, people and events which shaped the modern day NT.
indigenous people and culture
Sources which have a broader content covering many aspects of indigenous australians.
Indigenous foods and medicines
Australian and international sources which focus on bush foods and medicines of traditional cultures (focused mainly on Australian aboriginal culture).
Indigenous Art
Sources which focus on modern and traditional art of indigenous Australia
Wildlife of australia
Books and natural history material relating to Australian wildlife.
flora of Australia
Text and resources on Australian plants.
General INterest
Random stuff that we have found interesting.

‘The Original Australians: Story of the Aboriginal People’, Flood, J. 2006. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest