Top End News
For anyone interested in what’s going on behind the scenes up here in the Top End then this is for you.
We have focused on some key issues which have the potential to impact and threaten the very values that make the NT so special as well as some of the more unusual political and social events / decisions where we find them.
This is not a comprehensive list but merely a starting point for a deeper understanding of the locations you have chosen to come and visit.
Who knows, you may even decide to get active to prevent some of these from coming to pass.
So, to find out more have a look at the categories below and enter that into the search bar on the right.
Have fun.
Environmental Issues
Key issues and threats which are shaping the future for the NT environment and all who live here. Things such as Fracking, mining, harbour development, Tiwi Island development. This is not an exhaustive list so please if you have any other issues you know about please let us know.
political shonkiness
Instances where our fearless leaders appear to be operating in the grey area of right and wrong. This is undertaken more as an ongoing study to see just how questionable NT politics is without being party specific.
random nt happenings
Things that sometimes defy belief and leave you askings questions like why, how, where, who etc etc.